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Quick Reseller Survey for Amazon Gift Card
We are looking today for resellers of office equipment to participate in Keypoint’s survey on the State of the Channel.
As part of our on-going research, this survey will help us to learn how channel businesses are coping under the new normal and how those businesses are likely to evolve over the coming two years.
If you work for an office equipment reseller  that sells and services A3 &/or A4 or an Imaging VAR that sells scanners, please take the survey. This should take about 10 minutes.
We are offering a $25 Amazon voucher or a contribution to charity (BTA Scholarship Foundation) as a thank you to our participants. All responses are anonymous and analysed in aggregate.

The charity of our choice is
The BTA Scholarship Foundation is supported by continuing contributions from individual office technology dealers, as well as manufacturers and distributors. Each year, BTA awards one $3,000, one $2,000, and a number of $1,000 and $1,500 scholarships to qualifying children of full-time employees of current BTA member dealerships. Scholarship recipients are chosen by an impartial and independent evaluator. Since the 1984-85 school year, BTA has presented 1,537 scholarships to deserving students, totaling $1.7485 million.